Liverpool 05 kit

Liverpool 05 kit

Price: $21.66
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product description:
Today, BJD dolls come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small 5-inch dolls to large 60-inch giants. There are even specialty models such as fantasy creatures and character-inspired dolls. Each doll is carefully crafted to offer a unique look, and many come with a wide range of accessories and clothing to choose from.Bjd's dolls became popular in his small town and soon people started travelling from far and wide wanting to buy his creations. Eventually, Bjd became known throughout the world for his beautiful dolls and the Wind that brought him inspiration. Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Rose who had always dreamed of having a beautiful BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) of her own. She had read about them in books and seen their captivatingly unique designs on websites, but never had the chance to own one of her own.1. Tops. From shirts and blouses to dresses, there is a wide variety of tops available for your 1/6 BJD. Depending on the style of your doll, you can find something that matches their personality perfectly. Popular choices include t-shirts, tank tops, and cardigans for everyday wear. Or, you can find a nice party dress or other formal attire for your doll.