Liverpool fc old jersey

Liverpool fc old jersey

Price: $17.88
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product description: The same attention to detail means that the range of customization options available with BJD dolls is practically endless. From small dolls with delicate features to large dolls with exaggerated expressions, almost every kind of conventional and unconventional look is achievable. What more, with all the different clothing, accessories, and wigs available, the possibilities for dressing up your doll are endless.Instructions Once upon a time, there was a gothic BJD doll named Mina who found herself in a strange world. She had no idea how she got there, or why she was there, but she was determined to make the best of it.With DollGarden, the young girl was able to expand her collection and get great deals on her favorite BJD dolls. She was so happy with her experience that she shared her discovery with her friends and family.