Utd white kit

Utd white kit

Price: $22.70
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product description:
MSD BJD dolls are an excellent choice for collectors and crafters alike. For collectors, they offer a high level of detail and realism that other dolls simply cannot match. And for crafters, the handcrafted clothing and accessories offer an opportunity to express their creativity.Being a BJD doll owner is a unique experience that combines the joy of collecting and playing with dolls with the artistry of creating custom designs for the dolls. These dolls, which stands for ¡°ball-jointed dolls,¡± are life-size collectible dolls that have adjustable joints allowing the owner to customize the dolls¡¯ poses. The dolls come in a variety of styles and materials, but they all provide an enjoyable, creative outlet for owners.Finally, once all the details were perfect, it was time for the finishing touch ¨C the eyes. The artist carefully chose the perfect pair of eyes to bring the doll to life.Every single day, the doll would marvel at his beautiful hairpieces and dedicatedly maintain them so they would stay neat, clean and glossy. He would brush each strand with tender care, treat it with light mists of nourishing conditioner, and use a blow dryer to add extra volume and texture. He knew that a well-maintained wig could enhance his striking features even more.