%sb - Status Bar


To provide a status bar.


winio@('%Nsb' [,iar])


Grave accent (%`sb) - indicates that the first panel of the status bar is to be used for help strings.


N is optional. When N > 1, it specifies the number of panels and iar is an integer array specifying the width (in average characters) of each panel in turn. The width of the last panel is set automatically to extend to the right hand edge of the window. When N is not provided, iar is also omitted, resulting in just one panel. A grave accent can be applied and indicates that the first panel of the status bar is to be used for help strings.

The option [tooltips] can be used and provides a tooltip when the pane in the status bar is not wide enough to display all of the text supplied. Otherwise it has no effect. The text for the tooltip is simply a copy of the text supplied for the pane via a call to SET_STATUS_TEXT@. The option has no effect when used with the first pane of a %`sb control where the displayed text is controlled by menu help information.

A new routine SET_STATUS_TEXT@ can be called to set the text in a given panel.

            SUBROUTINE SET_STATUS_TEXT@(hwnd, panelID, text)
            INTEGER(7) hwnd
            INTEGER panelID
            CHARACTER(*) text
hwnd is the Windows handle obtained from %lc (Handle of Last Control) (written in the code after %sb) and panelID is the zero based index of the panel to write to.


Added to FTN95 at version 8.30

See also

%ob (Open Box), %br (Bar)




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