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product description:
Once upon a time, there was an American BJD (Ball-Jointed Doll) collector who lived in the United States. She loved her dolls, and spent countless hours meticulously styling and dressing them up. One day, her beloved dolls were feeling neglected and sad, so she decided to take them on a special outing. She took them to a nearby lake, where they could relax and enjoy some quality time together.Chloe was very special to her owner. She was not just an ordinary doll, but a living being with a unique personality. As her owner got to know Chloe better, they soon realized how much she had to offer. She reached out her hand and cupped some of the water in her hands. She brought it up to her face and felt its refreshing coolness. It was then that she had an idea; why not use this water to bring back life to the doll?At first glance, BJDs can seem intimidating due to their intricate construction. They typically have 11 joints, including elbows, wrists, and ankles, allowing for a wide range of motion and poses. Many collectors enjoy customizing the dolls and creating unique looks with wigs, eyes, and clothing. With some practice, you can become quite skilled at sculpting the face of a BJD and making it look like an actual person.