Football jersey manchester city

Football jersey manchester city

Price: $30.72
product description:
One day, a strange event occurred. After a particularly intense game, the figurine's team won by a large margin. To celebrate, the entire town decided to throw a parade. And who should appear but the BJD doll riding atop the figurine's shoulders? Everyone was so amazed that the BJD would have such an appreciation for the sport, that the two dolls suddenly became famous!The BJD doll was made from different materials such as resin, vinyl or plastic. It had articulated jointed limbs so it could be posed in any position. Its face was quite expressive and could be painted with intricate details.First, they designed their dream doll, sketching out its features and picking the colors they wanted to use. After deciding on their design, they got to work constructing the doll. It took them a long time as they made sure each joint was just right and that their doll would be able to move gracefully.Another aspect to consider when purchasing a BJD doll is the size of its eyes and the type of eyes. Eye sizes range from 8-20 mm, and the eyes themselves may be either acrylic or glass.